@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Apps » 手機變身全球機場航班資訊看板 FlightBoard v1.0.1

2011-3-14 19:33 bunnylai
手機變身全球機場航班資訊看板 FlightBoard v1.0.1

Overview: Turn your Android phone into the Arrivals and Departures board for any airport in the world!

FlightBoard lets you check out the boards of your favorite airports and view all the flight information in real-time. We used the board at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris as inspiration for the design so it has a beautiful, old school feel. Download FlightBoard and daydream about your favorite destination.

• Covers over 4000 airports and 1400 airlines worldwide
• Updated every 5 minutes
• Beautiful interface that mimics Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris
• Android Exclusive! View FlightBoard on home screen with two different Live Wallpapers.
• See the real-time status for any flight
• Instantly narrow results via an exceptional search interface.
• Quickly switch between Departures and Arrivals boards
• Easily share flight info with friends and family via Twitter, Facebook, SMS and email
• Answer the question: "I wonder what planes are arriving in Bologna right now?"





2011-3-31 13:39 conny771005

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